Am I Entitled To An Electric Car Grant?

From 1st April 2020, electric car drivers get a £350 grant towards purchasing and installing a home EV charger – this is an OLEV grant. The UK Government provides financial support through the Electric Vehicle HomeCharge Scheme (EVHS). What’s even better is that we can help sort this for you, making your home EV charger installation even easier.

Additional information on the EVHS can be found here.

Are There Any Grants Available For Home EV Charging?

There is an OLEV Grant (office for law emission vehicle) is available for home charging solutions. The grant’s name is ‘Electric Vehicle Homecharging Scheme (EVHS), as the name suggests it’s to provide financial relief to the cost of adding a home charging point to your home. This grant currently provides up to £500 off of the cost of the purchase and the installation of a home charging point.

You can claim for a 1-charging point per eligible vehicle but you are only allowed up to 2 eligible vehicles per household. If you live in Scotland your able to get access to an additional grant, this is up to another £300. This grant is available through the Energy Savings Trust Scotland.